Expert Opinions and Reports
Our expert opinions are an extremely important professional tool in the process of assessing the case in question. The only quality criteria that we take into account in the preparing of expert opinions are: professional perfection, argumentation, provability and reliability, strong facts supported and consequently convincing in confrontation of expert opinion with other domestic and foreign experts.
Independent expertise is based on the fact that all results of analyses are unbiased of all possible interests (interests of clients and / or third party interests). We use recognized professional methods, regardless of whether they cause inculpatory or exculpatory evidence for the client. Independent expert opinion is a demanding professional task that focuses on a critical assessment of a particular case.
Preparation of expert opinions refers to the following areas:
- Economics,
- Finance and banking,
- Securities (stocks, bonds),
- Law.
Among MPC Consulting associates, there are court-appointed experts from the above-mentioned fields. The duty of our experts is to provide independent assistance by way of objective, unbiased opinion in relation to matters within their expertise. Factors for determining the reliability of expert opinion include the extent and quality of the data on which the expert’s opinion is based, and the validity of the methods by which they were obtained.
In the analysis, we use the documentation received by the client, independent external sources of information, other databases and our own long-term practice.
The preparation of the expert opinion is carried out according to the procedure:
- Examination of professional literature, legal practice, national legislation in our environment, existing domestic and foreign studies and analyses in relation to the subject.
- Analysis and review of received documentation by the client.
- Collection and study of relevant data from publicly accessible databases.
- Assess and prepare an independent expert opinion.