About the Team
We operate in many areas.
Let’s Cooperate!
Milana Lah
AREA OF EXPERTISE: As Director of MPC CONSLUTING, she manages International Business Centre of recognized experts and acts as an economics and financial expert. She is a small-medium enterprise (SME) advisor, who specializes in strategic and operational planning, business and financial restructuring, financing and funding, due diligence, economic expertise.
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: In addition, she has valuable and extensive long term experiences in banking sector, strategic and operational planning, investment banking and corporate finance, where she was responsible for treasury, strategic and operational planning, assets and liability management, liquidity management and funding, investment banking.
Maja Radevski
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Prior to joining MPC CONSULTING, she worked as an internal auditor. In addition to completed education in economics at the University of Maribor – Faculty of Economics and Business, she studied at the Centre of Excellence in Finance and hold the CIPFA International Certificate in Public Sector Internal Auditing by the Chartered Institute for Public Finance and Accountancy.
Our Licensed & Certified Experts
Strokovnost. Učinkovitost. Dodana vrednost.
Naše licence in certifikati
Naši neodvisni strokovnjaki izkazujejo svojo kredibilnost in strokovno usposobljenost s številnimi pridobljenimi licencami in certifikati, ki so podlaga za pridobitev naslednjih nazivov:
• Sodni izvedenci za področje ekonomije,
• Sodni cenilci vrednotenja podjetij,
• Pooblaščeni ocenjevalci vrednosti podjetja,
• Pooblaščeni ocenjevalci vrednosti nepremičnin,
• Pooblaščeni revizorji,
• Preizkušeni notranji revizorji,
• Državni notranji revizorji,
• Preizkušeni davčniki,
• Mednarodni certifikat britanskega inštituta Chartered Institute of Public Finance in Accountancy (CIPFA) na področju notranje revizije v javnem sektorju,
• Odvetniška licenca.